~*~ It's alright to make fun of people from time to time, (that's the main thing the OOC board is
used for, actually.) but if you know it's going to offend someone, don't say it. I REALLY don't want
to come up with an example for this, cause it would involve me making someone mad. If you don't
understand, PLEASE let me know. (E-mail is at the bottom)
~*~ This rule has been a problem in the past. Ok! Let's all count to TWO! ONE! TWO! Good!
It wasn't that hard then, so why is it THAT hard when it comes to signing up for characters? In
other words, two characters per player. That's it! One good, and one evil! I MAY have some
people play a character to get a story line started, but that would be the only reason I would
let someone have more than two characters.
~*~ Let people have a chance to attack/run away/scream/etc for themselves. This is also known as
power gaming. Please don't do this. It gets annoying, I have to handle millions of e-mail stating
something I already knew was happening, I have to delete your post from the board then explain to you
why I did, and then I look like the bad guy. You don't want this to happen!
~*~ I don't play Sailor Mercury, so I'm not going to control her. For example, Usagi isn't going to
turn smarter than Ami overnight, and Makoto isn't going to join a gang and become a drug dealer. That's
not who they are. So don't write for a character when you don't know what they are going to do/say/or how
they will react. Which brings me to another point that I was trying to put in one rule…
~*~ Realism! A word used too often by my English teacher, yes, but there needs to be some in this RPG.
This happened in my OLD RPG, but it WILL NOT happen in this one. I won't have 3 thousand foot dragons
eating Sailor Senshi in one bite (or many bites, for that matter), nor will the dragon step on all my
favorite bad guys during afternoon tea. THERE ARE NO BIG DRAGONS IN SAILOR MOON! Dragon
Ball Z, sure, but not Sailor Moon. Do you see the stupidity? Good! I thought you would!
~*~ Give other players a chance to reply. This means… what it means. If you're in a story line with four
characters, let all four characters respond.
~*~ Japanese names! Know them, use them, love them. If you need help on them, let me know. There
are plenty of super nice Sailor Moon pages out there that have good information.
~*~ The senshi are not evil! They will never be evil!
~*~ The villains are not good (in a bad sort of way… villains are awesome!)! They will never be good!
~*~ The neutral characters (I won't have very many) of the RPG can switch sides, if they want to
even choose a side to be on.
~*~ This is a Sailor Moon RPG. Not a Dragon Ball Z RPG, not a Ramma1/2 RPG, nor any other RPG you
can name. ANY character that resembles a character outside of the Sailor Moon world (including
fan fic characters. I don't want to see ANY applications for Vegeta: the coolest baddy in the
world or Shampoo: Amazon Princess… or anything close to it. Use your imagination. If you
forgot what that is, watch PBS in the morning… you will never forget!)
~*~ The GM, Co-GM, and Application Master have the right to add or take away rules at any time. Bottom
line is, if we tell you not to, don't do it. If we say you can't do something, you can't do it.
Frequent arguing about a rule will result in being kicked off the RPG.
Dangerous Games